Power BI

Power BI: Better manage your business

Power BI Business Intelligence ( BI) is the tool of choice for decision-makers and business leaders. It designates the means, the tools, and the methods which make it possible to collect, consolidate, model, and restore the data, material or immaterial, of a company to offer a decision-making aid. It also allows a decision-maker to have an overview of the activity of his company. Ultimately, BI software makes it possible to produce reports and dashboards for monitoring company analytical and forward-looking activities and thus help management in its decision-making.

BI software is a tool for collecting and processing data from different company software for restitution in the form of statistics and dashboards.

BI: A growing interest for companies

BI has evolved considerably in recent years: traditionally centered on accounting issues ( consolidation, budget planning), BI has gradually extended to all of the major areas of the company: customer relations, logistics, human resources, budget planning, etc.

The main interest of BI software for managers is the creation of tailor-made dashboards that will take into account the specificities of the company, its culture, its objectives, its sector of activity, etc. The customization of dashboards has no limit and can be modified at will to meet new constraints or the consequences of new strategic imperatives; reporting is thus developed to measure. BI software helps identify market trends and business problems that need to be solved. BI data can include historical information and new data collected from source systems generated.BI analysis can thus support strategic and tactical decision-making processes through a simple visualization, understandable at all levels of decision-making (DSI, DAF, or even CEO).

Many advantages of strategic management

Accelerating and improving decision-making, optimizing internal business processes, increasing operational efficiency, generating new revenue, gaining competitive advantages… BI offers a plethora of potential benefits. This technology also includes software or data visualization modules that allow graphic elements to be formatted (diagrams, histograms, etc.); as well as various tools for developing dashboards and scorecards that present in an easy-to-understand way data visualized in the form of business measurement elements and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). In addition, reporting allows managers to perform various calculations (totals, averages, differences, comparisons from one period to another, etc.); or to present the results in a synthetic or detailed manner, most often graphically, according to their needs or the expectations of the managers.

Predictive, flexible, and multidimensional, BI solutions increasingly tend to become a must for decision-makers, regardless of the size or type of their structure. At a time of a well-advanced digital transition, these tools, which have become essential for business management, offer relevant responses to new challenges that are constantly changing.